Home » OGA Shop » Succulents » Lithops » Succulent species mix 50 seeds lithops gibbaeum argyroderma crassula carpobrotus sinningia faucaria cheiridopsis fenestraria

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Succulent species mix 50 seeds lithops gibbaeum argyroderma crassula carpobrotus sinningia faucaria cheiridopsis fenestraria

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Succulent species mix 50 seeds lithops gibbaeum argyroderma crassula carpobrotus sinningia faucaria cheiridopsis fenestraria

What you get: Succulent mix 50 seeds.

High quality seeds.

Ships without instructions.

The seeds will be mixed in one bag and not individual labeled.


Read this before purchasing!

These seeds are super tiny. They are microscopic, like little specks of pepper and dust like.

Please understand this and buy only if you are ok with this.

This mix includes:

  • Lithops
  • Gibbaeum
  • Argyroderma
  • Crassula
  • Carpobrotus
  • Sinningia
  • Faucaria
  • Cheiridopsis
  • Fenestraria

and others. Content in each bag may vary.

Good moisture, good drainage,very bright light, heat and aeration are important factors for high germination rates. Germination with take anywhere between a week and 4 months. Do not give up on your seeds,keeping your soil constantly moist will ensure eventual success.

Fill a pot with good draining soil. You can use 50% regular potting soil with 50% coarse sand, fine pumice or grit. Remove any big pieces

Sprinkle the seeds on top.

Do not cover the seeds with soil.

Let the container soak up water (from beneath) for 5 minutes.

Let excess water drip away.

Put the container with seeds in a zip-lock bag. Make sure humidity is high.

Seeds germinate under bright and warm conditions.

Increase ventilation when most seedlings have appeared.

Never let your seedlings dry out.

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