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Home » OGA Blog » Gardening Articles » How to Care for a Pachira Aquatica “Variegata” (Money Tree) Houseplant

How to Care for a Pachira Aquatica “Variegata” (Money Tree) Houseplant

Do you want to renew your home decoration? Have you always wanted to have your house full of plants that bring color and freshness to the rooms of your home? Then, maybe what you need is to know more about money trees, a plant that will undoubtedly change your life forever and that you can take care of without being an expert in gardening.

Money trees are a beautiful plant that in recent years has become popular among decoration lovers from the application of gardening. And what is the main reason for its success? How easy it is to care for, its symbolism and its undeniable beauty.

This legendary plant does not have too many specific cares and adapts to practically any climate, which makes it the best candidate to decorate the houses of all those people who seek to bring freshness to their homes without having any previous knowledge and who find themselves living in places that are too dark, hot or humid; it is a true survivor of nature and therefore is adored by all.

Next, to help you know better the secrets that this famous plant hides, we are going to explain in depth all its history, its symbolism, its main cares and some of the possible complications that could arise if we do not carry out the suitable cares.

Ready to know everything about the famous money tree?

Take note!

Symbolism and History

The AKA “Pachira Aquatica”, better known as the money tree, is not exactly an ancient plant that has been passed down from generation to generation for centuries but is a relatively recent plant that was first known in the 1980s.

As gardening experts explain, the history of this plant is more legendary than real, since the world first learned about it when a truck driver from the Taiwan region started to cultivate it. From that moment on, all the people who began to cultivate these trees in their homes believed that it was really a plant with magical powers, attributing to it the power to attract luck and fortune for those who possessed it.

At first, the popularity of the AKA “Pachira Aquatica” was limited to Japan and the whole of East Asia, where its legend began to gain more popularity and began to be associated with the famous Chinese practice of Feng Shui. They explained that the braided trunks that form the tree have the capacity to catch the fortune between its folds, at the same time that the five leaves that usually have in each stem symbolize the five elements of the universe: earth, water, sea, wind and fire.

Furthermore, if the strange circumstance occurred that one of the trees managed to have a stem with more than five leaves, it was considered that this plant had even more power to attract fortune than the rest. What is legend and what is reality? Nobody knows that. The magic of legends is that each person decides which part to believe and which part not to believe, so if you decide to cultivate a money tree you can do it whether you believe in its powers or not; because its beauty is the same with legend or not.

Benefits of Owning a Pachira Aquatica (Money Tree) Plant

Beauty and Relaxation

You may not think beauty is a benefit, but if we associate it with plants and flowers it makes a lot of sense, since gardening experts have always said that surrounding ourselves with beautiful plants will give us peace and make us feel much better.

In addition, if we want to practice the art of gardening, there is also the possibility of buying this plant when it has not yet developed its braided stem, so that we ourselves through their daily care get to braid it little by little to get that look so characteristic and beautiful that distinguishes this plant.

It Attracts Good Fortune

If you are a superstitious person and believe in all the legends that circulate in the world, buying a money tree can be one of the best things you can do, since this tree is attributed with the powers to attract money and good luck. Is there anything more beneficial than luck?

It Grows in Places With Little Light

If you live in a very small apartment without a terrace, having a money tree will be your best option to be able to have plants without fearing that these will die due to lack of solar exposure or excessive watering. This tree grows from the indirect light and adores the fluorescent light, reason why if you want to give a green touch him to your office or the rooms of your house, this tree will be able to give it without suffering any type of damage.


This plant is certified as one of the safest plants to live with pets because it is totally free of toxins. However, it is not advisable that our pets spend the day eating from its leaves, because they could also develop stomach pain.

How to Care for a Money Tree


Generally, for a money plant to grow healthy and happy it will be necessary for us to water it abundantly, once or twice a week. Do not be afraid to give it too much water, since this tree is typical of humid places like swamps, so the wetter the soil, the better.


According to the experts, the AKA “Pachira Aquatica” can grow both in places with direct and indirect exposure to the sun, and it is even preferable to have it in places where there is artificial lighting. Like any other houseplant, excessive exposure to sunlight could cause its leaves to burn, so we should look for a compromise.


The soil in our money tree pot should be fresh and very wet, so when we are about to transplant it from one pot to another, we should first make sure to water the soil abundantly so that its roots can take hold.

To read more about soils, checkout our article by clicking here.


Like the rest of the plants, the money tree will also need to be pruned and all those dead and withered parts that are no longer providing any benefit will need to be removed.

For this we will have to use scissors for pruning sharpened and while pruning stand slightly away so we can have a clear view so that we can prune evenly; the pruning of this tree should be made looking for the natural balance of its leaves and its branches.


It is very important to apply fertilizer to our tree to prevent any problems, ideally using a quality liquid fertilizer every two weeks or so.


This plant loves humidity, so if we have it in humid places and with a room temperature between 65 and 75 degrees it will grow much better. On the other hand, we should spray it very often and never forget to wet its sand if we notice it is dry, as it needs to be continuously soaked.


If you want to have more than one money plant at a time in your home, you should cut off one of its trunks before it has grown too big to be braided and transplanted into another pot. That other pot should have the same conditions as the other one, being necessary to apply fresh soil and to water it in abundance to make sure that the roots take hold and start growing again.


These trees grow at a fairly slow rate, especially if they are indoors, so it is advisable to replant it every one or two years to provide it with new nutrients and power again its natural growth.

For more information on ” Money Plants” check out this article. What Causes Pilea Peperomioides (Money Plant) to Wilt or Droop?

Common Problem and Pests

Yellow leaves

One of the most common problems of this plant is that its leaves begin to acquire a very unpleasant pale-yellow tone, which can indicate two things: overwatering or lack of light. Although it is true that these plants love an indirect illumination, to have them in place where there is hardly any brightness, nor any type of light source can make them sick.

Leaf Spots

If we start to see that the leaves of our money tree have pits or holes, it is very likely that it is due to a lack of potassium or also due to an excess of watering. To treat the problem, we should use a special fertilizer for this and try to moderate the amount of water in the irrigation.

Root Rot and Mold Substrate

Another of the most common problems of this plant is that its roots rot due to excess water at the base. As this plant needs to be constantly wet, we can fall into the mistake of watering it too much and make sure that there is always water left in the saucer underneath the pot, which will cause the roots to rot. Therefore, avoid watering it too much and always check that the saucer is completely dry a few minutes after watering it.

The appearance of mold can also be a sign that the plant is subjected to too much humidity and that the fungi have managed to proliferate and are beginning to infect the plant. This plant requires water and humidity, but always in a balanced way, so if we want to save it from the infection, we should use a good pesticide and try to replant it to a new healthy soil that is drier.


The appearance of aphids is very common if we have our tree in an outdoor area during the summer months. Generally, we will be able to finish with them by spraying the plant well with Neem Oil or Insecticidal Soap and changing the place.

Spider Mites

If you notice that your plant has spider mites, what you will be indicating is that it lacks humidity and therefore you will have to water it and make its soil much more humid.

Insect scales

Scales are a common problem in the winter months, characterized by the appearance of brown lumps or a small sticky layer on the leaves. How to eradicate it? By spraying our plant with a solution of water, soap and alcohol.


In short, making the decision to buy or cultivate a money tree can be the best thing you can do in a long time, since apart from its more than proven beauty, the myths and legends that surround it make it a real jewel in the world of plants that deserves to be preserved for many centuries. Do you want to start enjoying the magic of the money tree? Don’t wait any longer and go for yours right away!

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