Hello gardening world this is Raul L. (Mr. Green). This blog/site is created for those individuals that are interested in gardening and want to learn about plants and what it take to care for them. Although planting is one aspect of it, there are many things that go along with just making your property look awesome with pretty little flowers. That’s where this blog/site comes in, we take pride in passing on information so you to, can create and enjoy what nature provides for us.
What is Outdoorgardenaccessories.com All about?
Outdoorgardenaccessories.com is a blog/E-commerce affiliate site that promotes and discusses topics pertaining to all things gardening and garden accessories. We are interested in learning and offering information on plants, how-to’s, and idea generation for all types of gardens that are easy to understand that are geared towards beginners and weekend warriors. Additionally, we promote products that you may find useful, as well as, companies that supply them.
Is OGA Listings Free?
You will also find our OGA Listing section promotes small to large companies that promotes a variety of local businesses in and around different locations that deal with outdoor services. If you have something you would like to promote, create an account and post up business for free, or if you have other things in mind, contact us with your ideas. As of now our listings are free, but if we continue to grow our listings, we may charge to cover operating costs, but those that sign up now with a simple listing, will be free.
Does Outdoorgardenaccessories.com Sell Products?
As of now, we do not sell any products, we just promote products from websites throughout the web which generates a small commission. This is why there is a disclaimer on all pages and products. In turn, we help promote small businesses that you would normally not know existed. We try our best to find products that are made to last. If you are a small business owner and would like to promote your products, send us an email. Just keep in mind, the products we promote are garden, outdoorsy focused.
Questions and Other Content
Its all about planting seeds to make the world a better place. Happy gardening. If you have any inquires, please feel free to contact us over at our contact page. Check out our sitemap here.
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