As we begin to once again realize the importance of open spaces, we learn that those spaces can provide us with mental, as well as physical health. Sometimes we over complicate the easy things in life, while missing out on what can potentially benefit us in more ways than one. In this article we get into the basics of planting and caring for your new delicious tomato garden.
The Basics
If you are starting out on a budget, realize that you are not alone. There are many different ways of going out about growing your favorite fruits or vegetables. It is not uncommon for someone to buy seeds and plant them in a well-lighted, inside or outside area. Although it may seem difficult, it is quite easy with a little patience and care.
In addition, Amazon sells an amazing upside-down tomato plant were all you need is potting soil, the plant and water. This is for the person that is limited in space, but would like to try something new. This is just an idea while the possibilities are endless. If you have the space to grow and produce tomatoes, in let’s say your own personal back-space or front-space, there are methods you should follow to grow your very own vegetables. Below are some suggested ways that will help benefit the growing process.
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For more information on where to find a variety of tomato seeds, as well as, other types of garden seeds, check out this article. Trueleafmarket.com: Supplier of Microgreens, Sprouts and more
What type of tomato plant do you want?
Since there are a variety of tomato plants, knowing which plant can help in deciding on your space needs. For instance, there are two basic types, Indeterminate and Determinate.
- Indeterminate tomato is a plant that can grow as large as 6 feet tall or taller and which will yield tomatoes throughout the growing season. This type obviously needs more space for growing and sunlight. This is perfect if one has the yardage to do so.
- The other type is considered a Determinate which will grow 3-4 feet and will yield tomatoes in a shorter amount of time. This type of plant is for those limited in space and can be potted in plants and placed in areas that are compact.
While there are two basic varieties of tomato plants, it all comes down to personal preference and taste. Some examples of tomato varieties by name would be Red Beefsteak Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Cocktail Tomatoes, Roma Tomatoes, Heirloom Tomatoes etc. Before purchasing any new vegetable plant, always read the instructions on the side container to give you a good idea of planting and watering needs.
How much sunlight do tomatoes need?
- Decide where you would like to plant your new garden. This is based on maximum exposed sunlight that will reach your newly planted tomatoes.
- A newly planted tomato plant needs 6 – 8 hours of continuous sunlight each and every day.
- Make sure you have sufficient room, whereas a tomato plant can grow 3-5 feet tall while having no obstructions or overhanging shade areas that may interfere with sunlight.
Since tomatoes are sun loving it is ideal to start small so one doesn’t get overwhelmed by the height of these delicious plants. Some examples of small tomato plants would be Better Bush, Red Bush Beefsteak, Bush Early Girl, Tumbling Tom, etc, which again are considered Determinate.
What is the ideal type of soil tomatoes need?
While any plant, fruit or flower will grow under any conditions, sometimes preparing the soil is the best choice to make sure your plant will survive.
- Till the soil. This means to big down between 1 and 1.5 feet of soil and mixing in compost or potting soil. This makes sure that the root zone of the plant will receive nutrients where it is needed.
- If one has compacted soil, your plants will most likely become waterlogged and become susceptible to disease. These types of plants require good drainage as well as an adequate PH level of 7. This is why amendments should be added to the soil prior to planting.
- If deciding to use fertilizers, use organic. Be sure to use a balanced blend, while making sure the phosphorus level is slightly higher than the nitrogen and potassium. Phosphorus is used to promote root growth as well as seeding and flowering. When looking at a bag of fertilizer it reads NPK which stands for Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium.
- Finally decide what type of tomato seeds suit your needs
This is all up to the individual. If the individual would like to gain knowledge of growing anything from a seed, it is a step in appreciating and cultivating life. Usually when growing seeds, it is advisable to do this indoors.
If you decide to grow from seed, these are some suggested items that can be purchased just about anywhere, or can be made from reusable items around your place. Always consider what variety of tomato seed you will be planting. SeedsNow.com has an excellent variety of tomato seeds check them out.
- If you’re starting multiple seeds, Amazon has inexpensive seedling pots and trays that can easily be transferred to a bigger pot. Click here for amazon pricing
- Keep seeds planted in organic soil in room temperature while watering as needed. Once the plants begins to sprout, move it to a window where sunlight is plentiful, or a heat source lighting since tomatoes love sun and warmth. Your plants should be watered twice a day, but make sure your soil does not dry up.
- Once you see that your plant is developing and outgrowing its area, this is where it is time to repot, but take extra caution when transplanting by making sure the roots are intact with your soil.
- At the final stage, when the plant is beginning to shoot up and you have re-potted into a big pot, it is recommended to get tomato cages which again Amazon has some pretty good cages for this specific need. This is used to guide the plant up while supporting the base of the plant.

If you are purchasing your tomato plants, it would be a good idea to purchase a sturdy pot in addition to a cage and good potting soil, which you can find at any garden supply store.
While this is the easy and quick way towards a harvest, you should still choose what works for the space you have.
Although this is one type of vegetable you can purchase or grow on your own, there are many other plants to experiment with while gathering knowledge with what works and applying it to all areas of your gardening needs. Like knowledge it all starts with a seed!